5 Questions on Analogue Photography with Davis Ayer
3 15 Share TweetIn this new ongoing series “5 Questions on Analogue Photography with…” we send out the same set of questions to photographers. We have Davis Ayer – an up and coming Austinite photographer – sent over his insight and his work.
Name: Davis Ayer
Occupation: Photographer
Country: USA
Describe yourself in a couple words.
human, photographer, light chaser, Austinite, basketballer, master J roller
1. Tell us about yourself in three sentences maximum?
What? (haha) Breakfast is my favorite food…

2. Why do you still shoot analogue?
The photography and art that I’ve always been attracted to was analogue, even before I knew anything about photography. I think the idea that digital photography will over take film photography is wrong because they’re different things. I have no problems with chopping up pictures and manipulating digital images, but I have more respect for film.. Film just looks better to me. Film is so much more dynamic. I think that analogue makes you a better photographer. Shooting film forces you to be patient, and really learn what you want in the frame. Also, there’s something interesting about anticipation (waiting for film to be processed).
3. What photographic equipment (cameras, films, and accessories) do you usually have in your bag?
Medium format camera – Mamiya RZ67 ProIID (polaroid back), 35mm – Minolta SRT200, and digital camera – Canon 5D Mark II.
4. Share with us a killer trick of yours that will always result to a great photo.
There are things that I go to but they don’t necessarily guarantee a good photo because a shoot is always a collaboration. Having something out of focus in the foreground is always interesting, it’s more like the human eye. I try to make everything different in each photo. I like doing double exposures of an image inside of another image.
5. Which photographers influence your work?
Stephen Shore, Joel Sternfeld, Stanley Kubrick, Andreas Gursky, Ryan McGinley. I’m always trying to be original. I’m inspired by the recent past and nostalgia for the era before I was born, which is a world that doesn’t exist anymore.
Thanks to Davis for taking the time to answer these questions! See more of his work:
écrit par mmoya le 2011-10-16 dans #lifestyle #analogue #photography #photographer #lomography #davis #ayer
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