As I spent more time with her, my love for her grew, matched only by her apathy for me. But I didn't care, she was special and she made me feel special. She was popular in a way I could never have imagined. Just walking on grass felt like being on the red carpet and people came to my home day and night. I flattered myself it was me that drew them but I knew deep down they only sought a glimpse of her. She imbued even the most mundane with a surreal beauty and I envied her...envied her and loved her.

10 commentaires

  1. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·


  2. warning
    warning ·


  3. madgam
    madgam ·


  4. freckleface
    freckleface ·

    these colors are insane!

  5. nural
    nural ·

    which filter did you use? this is amazing!

  6. fishy
    fishy ·


  7. mavirr
    mavirr ·


  8. rosariosanz
    rosariosanz ·

    That red is amazing!

  9. mfoeme
    mfoeme ·

    very nice colours this is pure art.

  10. hervinsyah
    hervinsyah ·