Winter EBS

Exposing both sides of the film(EBS). Shot upper half on a fine day with a splitzer. After finished a roll I reversed the film and set into LC-A again. Then start shooting lower half on a overcast day, also with a splitzer. ISO400 for normal/negative side, ISO200 for reversed/redscaled side. Winter might be the best season for EBS!
My article about this technique:…

2 commentaires

  1. buckshot
    buckshot ·

    Hodaka, I have a question about your fascinating technique: If it's 800 film, why do you expose the top half as 400? Is it just to brighten the shots up more?

  2. hodachrome
    hodachrome ·

    Thanks for your commment and question :)
    I have a couple of reason to set ISO400 with 800 films. Main reason is that most of my LC-A's tend to be underexposed or unstable when shooting as ISO800 setting. Don't know why but seems high ISO doesn't work as I expected, so I choose ISO400, though a bit over-exposed. Another reason is that yes, I simply like over-exposure.

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