a hippie and a camera

Photographe :
Téléchargé :
Tags :
2 2011 california cross desert format fun hippies lubitel medium mountain salton salvation satomi sea september summer
Appareil :
Lomo Lubitel 2
Pellicule :
Ektachrome 100S 120mm
Ville :
Pays/région :
United States
Année :
Temps :
Albums :
a hippie and a camera

6 commentaires

  1. grazie
    grazie ·


  2. b0rn2b1ush
    b0rn2b1ush ·

    love this!

  3. joyceyjoyce
    joyceyjoyce ·

    wow!! great!

  4. satomi
    satomi ·

    "Take same shot 3 times" -Willie style.

  5. wil6ka
    wil6ka ·

    @satomi :D I better did it like this - I just found out that my lc-wide was broken the last 3 weeks - so only panoramic and Lubitel came out...

  6. satomi
    satomi ·

    Ohhhh my God! That really sucks!!! :( How many rolls did you shoot with LC-W while you were here? And what's wrong with it?

Plus de photo par wil6ka