Just for fun! World War II original … Kodak 2238 shot at ISO 25 ( Sunny 16) and developed for 13 minutes in H&W Control 1:15 dilution. Agitated 1st 30 seconds and then 6 seconds every minute. Water stop and rinse 3 minutes, fixed in Ilford Hypam 1:4 for 3 minutes. 5 min final rinse. This is my first roll from a Kodak 35mm RF from 1945. Rangefinder is a bit off, I think, but I was trying to see both how well the RF and the lens itself were doing. Mechanically everything else seemed to work fine. I did one double exposure because Kodak said I can’t with this camera, but it looks like I can… I shot a couple with a Kodak Series VI blue (very light blue) filter. Don’t know which ones lol. DOF is a bit off and who knows where infinity is? It isn’t at the end of the rainbow or the end of my focus wheel. These are fun and I love the nostaligic look… wonderful self portrait, and my trailer again, just for the hell of it!

Plus de photo par mike1allison