Soumissions par soulcraft

Shot an entire roll of Polachrome that had a developer packet that was still squishy. I was so excited to self-develop it... I thought it was a fascinating idea, living magic. Self developing 35mm?! But it barely worked on 5 shots out of 36. I had to manually scrape off the black layer which I think caused the strange red marks. Ultimately, I love the photos, including the red. But losing the rest of the roll was pretty painful.

Trial and Error: Prix de la Photographie expérimentale 2021

Voici l'appel à candidatures pour les Lomography Annual Photography Awards : TEN AND ONE 2021 ! Présentez vos meilleures photos expérimentales et soyez le champion de notre catégorie Trial and Error.

Autres soumissions par soulcraft