Hi, I lean toward the experimental/alternative process type of chemical photography. I don't see the point in taking a picture with a film camera that doesn't look any different than one taken with a digital one.
I have a large collection of film cameras: mostly vintage, some I've repaired, quite a few were rescued from a salvage box, some were given to me, some I purchased new a while ago, some I purchased used not so long ago. Some are plastic toys, some are nice SLRs and I have two view cameras for 4x5.
I usually develop my own film. I typically develop b&w in Rodinal 50:1. I've stand developed old film and unknown film including color C41 in Rodinal at 100:1 for an hour at room temp. I've shot and processed IR film. I've developed C41 color with a three part Cinestill kit. I've cross processed old slide film in C41. I've made my own Caffenol developer.
I've shot paper negatives and done lumiprints on paper stock. I've shot Polaroid but that has gotten hard to get for my old cameras. I've tried tin types but have yet to be successful with them. I've printed negatives in a darkroom. I've solarized prints while they were in the developer.
I've shot film in 116, 616, 127, 126, 110, 620, 120, 35 mm, 16 mm, 828, APS, IsoRapid, 4x5, Infrared, Orthochromatic and Positive Paper. I have no preferences. Recently I've started printing on cyan coated paper.
I have some classical art training and paint figurative art and portraits. I prefer to paint loosely and interpretatively in watercolor and I appreciate that it is the unsaid that triggers interest in a work of art.
My avatar is not my self portrait. It is a photo of "The Portrait of Enrico Vallecci" painted by Ottone Rosai taken at the Novecento Museum, Florence, Italy in Sept 2017 with my Minox 35 on Kodak Gold Max 400.
"Our heads are round so that our thoughts can change direction", Francis Picabia.
" Groping in vagueness is no more productive than blind adherence to rules", Rudolf Arnheim "Art and Visual Perception".
" Art is the elimination of the unnecessary" , Pablo Picasso.
"The Great Way is not difficult for those that have no preferences" , Taoist saying.
Mes photos Mes Albums Mes Likes
Mes Albums
Album : Cyanotype
partagé par nykonartist le 2024-12-15 · 13 Photos -
Album : Belize
partagé par nykonartist le 2024-04-20 · 55 Photos -
Album : Kodak CX620 (1970 vintage) C22 in C41 process
partagé par nykonartist le 2024-01-22 · 28 Photos -
Album : Cinestill C41 Home Process
partagé par nykonartist le 2024-01-21 · 125 Photos -
Album : The Clark Museum
partagé par nykonartist le 2023-12-17 · 20 Photos -
Album : Marthas Vineyard
partagé par nykonartist le 2023-10-29 · 25 Photos
Mes Métas
- Tags:
- 4x5
- 626
- Big Horn River
- C22 in C41 chemistry
- CX620
- Caye Caulkers
- Cinestil C41
- Cinestill C41
- Expired 55y/o Kodacolor-x 620 in C41 developer
- Homemade Red Scale
- Ilford Sprite 35
- Kaligar Lens Attachments
- Kodak Gold Max expired
- Series VI
- Simple Use Camera
- Stand Developed C41
- belize
- black and white
- boats
- c22
- c41
- cape cod
- cinestill
- color shifts
- cyanotype
- drift boat
- early morning light
- expired film
- fly fishing
- harbor
- home process
- home process C41
- home processed
- kodachrome
- kodacolor-x
- kodak portra 160
- large format
- marine
- montana
- olympus 35 rc
- olympus 35rc
- range finder
- seaport
- seascape
- skyscape
- tachihara
- toy camera
- vignettes
- vintage
- wide angle
- Cameras:
- Agfa Rapid C
- Canon Elph APS
- Canon sure shot 60 zoom
- FW Solida
- Ilford Sprite 35
- Kodak Tourist
- Kodak Tourist II 101mm 4.5 Anastar
- Kodak Tourist Ii
- Kodak Vest Pocket Model B (circa 1925) - refurbished
- Konica Auto S2
- Lomography Diana F+
- Minox 35 GT
- Nikon EM
- Nikon FM10
- Ocean OX-2 "New Color Optics"
- Olympus 35 RC
- Olympus Stylus
- Olympus Stylus Zoom 140
- Tachihara 4x5
- the sun
- Films:
- Arista EDU Ultra 400
- Arista EDU ultra 100
- Arista Edu 400
- Artista EDU 400
- Fuji Superia 400 (35mm)
- Kodachrome 64 (35mm)
- Kodacolor-X (CX620 for C22 process)
- Kodacolor-X (CX620 for C22 process) expired in Aug1969 C41 cross processed
- Kodak Advantix 200 expired (APS)
- Kodak Gold 200 35mm Expired
- Kodak Gold 200 35mm Expired - maybe reversed for red scale?
- Kodak Gold 200 Expired
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm)
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm) - Expired
- Kodak Gold 400 (35mm) expired
- Kodak Gold Max 400 (Expired)
- Kodak Portra 160
- Kodak Portra 400 - 120
- Kodak Tri-X 400
- water color paper coated with cyano print chemicals