Translucent Shade

The aperture was set to wide open and unfortunately the lens can't handle the lights that came through so it is full of shade.
___________________________________________ Using Micro-MF as a developer diluted extreme 1:1, agitate full on a first minute then only 15" for the rest until it stop at 7'. ___________________________________________ Stop bath agitate only 1'. ___________________________________________ Using Acifix for the fixer agitate exact the same like the developer. ___________________________________________… | Part 1

4 commentaires

  1. juniardigiugno
    juniardigiugno ·

    indonesia bagus

  2. adi_totp
    adi_totp ·

    inget bgt gua pas nyoba spinner disini.. spot sini bgt

  3. ekeupratama
    ekeupratama ·

    ini setting asanya brp?
    jd krn bukaannya gede bikin siluet gt?

  4. istionojr
    istionojr ·

    @ekeupratama tetep 100 tapi make bukaan f/3.8 mau shutter 1/2000 juga ga nolong keu, mana lensanya udah jamur semua isinya hahaha. kayanya sih pas nyucinya harus sedikit pull nih.

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