異次元への入口 -Portal into another dimension

EBS(exposing both sides of the film) filmswap with a great photographer fotobes. He shot on normal side first, then reversed the film and I shot on redscale side.
Check out the lomohome of fotobes. www.lomography.fr/homes/fotobes/albums/1984555-lc-a-plus-eb….

Also, check out my article about this tipster [How to Take Symmetrical Images with Exposing Both Sides of the Film (EBS)]. www.lomography.fr/magazine/tipster/2013/01/14/tipster-how-t…

3 commentaires

  1. fotobes
    fotobes ·

    Very happy with this one!

  2. fotobes
    fotobes ·

    Very happy with this one!

  3. aliceinchains
    aliceinchains ·


Plus de photo par hodachrome