10 commentaires

  1. sierravictor
    sierravictor ·

    Very nice one! You've done like i'm thinking it should be done with multilense-cameraes, and that you have done is that you used it as a camera that was FILMING rather then taking stills. Well done!

  2. deryamu
    deryamu ·

    gülmekten öleceğim. Cover yapmak istiyorum.

  3. nacarilegea
    nacarilegea ·

    hahaha, love it!

  4. atropaworkshop
    atropaworkshop ·


  5. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    This needs a mini-movie!!!

  6. nural
    nural ·

    bebek uçmuş yahu!!

  7. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    13-May-14: Congrats on Photo of the Day:)

  8. mafiosa
    mafiosa ·

    p.s. thanks for making the mini-movie - it's great!

  9. coca
    coca ·

    haha this is great!!!! congrats on POTD

  10. myanalogueworld
    myanalogueworld ·

    which action sampler is it?

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